+972 50 335 0780


Jesse is an experienced educator and tour guide with a passion for teaching about the history, people and sites of the land of Israel.


From Mt Hermon to Eilat, hiking or driving, for big groups or small, bar/bat mitzvah trips or travel with friends, EXPLORE ALL ISRAEL will help create the perfect trip for you!

The REAL Israel

It's the people, the stories, the food and the hidden local gems not mentioned on websites or in guide books that we'll help you find. Come touring with us to see behind the scenes and to discover for yourself the REAL ISRAEL.


Originally from Australia, Jesse has worked in education as a teacher and guide for over 20 years. He began his career guiding groups in one of Australia's remote mountain and river regions, before teaching Jewish Studies and history at a prestigious Melbourne Jewish day school. As a passionate Moreh Derech or tour guide, Jesse loves guiding people from all over the world and teaching about the history, culture and beauty of the land of Israel. Whether in the old cities of Jerusalem or Tzfat, on the peaks of Masada or Mt Meron, or in ancient shuls and archaeological sites, he loves showing people all over the country. He has a particular affinity for touring and exploring the hidden corners of the North where he lives in a picturesque village in the Lower Galilee with his wife and children. When not guiding he can be found exploring ancient sites, swimming and hiking around the Golan and Galilee, or cooking Indian curries and being a Dad at home to his 6 children.

What we offer

Whether you live in Israel, are a veteran traveler here, or it's your first trip, every tiyul or tour around this beautiful country should be special. There is of course much you can do by yourself, however touring with a knowledgeable guide adds enormous depth to the experience and presents otherwise unattainable opportunities.We are here to help advise you on building a trip that is just right for you, or if you already have a plan, we can accompany you on tour and make sure you see, learn and experience the maximum so that you get the most out of your time here.A Bar/Bat mitzvah or roots trip with family will have a very different emphasis to a tour done with your spouse or with friends. Whether a long trip or short, a big group or small, focusing on nature or cities, we are here to make your experience magical and show you the REAL ISRAEL.

the real israel

Explore all Israel is here to take you to the places you've heard about and dreamed of visiting, as well as showing you hidden gems that are off the beaten track.We'll bring to life the stories of the TANACH and walk in the footsteps of the ancient Sanhedrin. Visit special lookouts and secret alleyways around the old cities of Jerusalem, Akko or Tzfat. Enjoy beautiful hikes in nature with the best swimming holes and discover amazing ancient ruins. Combine all this with the opportunity to taste the different foods and meet the diverse people who live here: Jews, Arabs, Beduoins, Druze and more. We'll teach you about the complex history, religions, and politics of the land, peppered with inside stories that will bring it all to life.If you love getting off the beaten track and you're excited to discover the REAL Israel for yourself, then be in touch with us to begin planning your dream journey.Jesse- Director of EXPLORE ALL ISRAEL

Tel: +975-503350780
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